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Benefits of planning, carrying out and presenting
a STEM research project.

Content-related knowledge, understanding and critical thinking:
  • Have the opportunity to study a topic that interests you and build a strong foundation of general knowledge in your chosen area.

  • Learn how to find, read and understand the content and procedures in professional research “journal” articles.

  • Challenge yourself to not only determine what insight and knowledge was gained from your project but also determine what needs to be done next.

Technology-based skills:
  • Master Microsoft PowerPoint and/or Google Slides as a presentation tool

  • Become skilled at Microsoft Word and/or Google Docs

  • Understand how to use Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets

  • Learn how to organize and analyze scientific data in order to draw conclusions from your research.

Networking and Presentation skills:
  • Learn how to create a resume/C.V. in order to appropriately reach out to professional scientists, engineers, medical and mental health professionals, as potential mentors to assist with designing a project.

  • Build verbal and visual presentation skills to communicate information in a professional, enthusiastic fashion to a wide variety of audiences.

  • Build strong communication skills in order to be able to explain and defend your research when being challenged by professionals, from that field, that serve as science fair judges.

Lifelong skills:
  • Develop time management skills so that you can effectively undertake a large research project while balancing additional academic and extracurricular responsibilities that occur concurrently.

  • Increase creativity, flexibility, resourcefulness and self-confidence while also building critical thinking and problem-solving skills to overcome the different challenges that occur during all research projects.

  • Full immersion in the planning of an advanced research project as well as carrying out all stages allowed within science fair guidelines.

  • Make a difference by helping others, such as the younger students in the program, during the different stages of their research.

  • Have the opportunity to be recognized and potentially win awards at local, state, national and international competitions.

  • Be able to highlight and utilize the numerous skills listed above to help gain acceptance into college, as well as programs during college and job opportunities.

Benefits of carrying out a long-term science/STEM research project on college admissions acceptance

          Dr. Deborah Bedor, CEO College Admission Central and Amazon Bestselling Author of

          Getting IN by Standing OUT; featured lecturer at Harvard and Columbia

“Positioning is one of the most important concepts to think about as you move through high school: learning, achieving, and growing. How do you want to be perceived by Admissions and how do you position yourself as a vibrant, curious, and unique mind so that you ensure those perceptions?
Will taking the same eight-ten AP courses as everyone else differentiate you?
How about being a member or leader of the same clubs that everyone else is involved in—will that differentiate you? If you are a STEM-talented student, you are lucky!
One of the greatest differentiators for admission to top universities is engagement and competition in STEM research.”


           Mrs. Malerie Simon, Retired High School Guidance Counselor and Independent College Counselor

"If you want to pursue a college degree and/or career in a STEM related field, involvement in a long-term science research project is a great way to start. When applying to college, students from around the country with a similar GPA, similar types of classes and similar extracurricular activities, are all competing for the same spots in colleges and universities.
In order to stand out while making a difference, involvement in a science research project shows initiative, dedication, a strong work ethic and will allow you to build a skill set unlike most high school students in the country”

          Mr. Jonathon Thomas, Retired HS Principal, Former HS School Counselor,

          Current Faculty Member at Pace University School of Education & Lubin Business School

“In today’s competitive college admissions process, applications are filled with AP and Honors credits.  While these are great courses, colleges and universities are looking for what makes you unique, what makes you different. 
Success in a Science Research program not only provides incredible academic skills, but can set a student apart from the others.  Involvement in a long-term science research project, shows commitment, perseverance, dedication, and an ability to think critically and problem solve effectively; all qualities necessary to succeed in college and in life.”

          Peter Van Buskirk, Author, Speaker, Consultant,

“The current college admission climate is such that, as selective institutions make fine distinctions between compelling candidates, they are increasingly sensitive to what students do with their time (and talent) when they might not have to do anything.
Science Research programs and the related projects give students an extended opportunity for directed inquiry that speaks well to their sense of purpose in the admission competition while paving the way for advanced study/research once in college.”

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